Discovering the cause of increasing the migraine's pain in the light

A team of US researchers has discovered in their researches that why the light is cause to migraine increases. Researchers of Beth Dickens Medical Center at Boston found that why the pain of those who suffer migraine increases in the light. About 85 percent of those who suffer from migraine are affected also to "photo-phobia" (sensitivity to light), This is while that the reasons of this pain is not known yet, now scientists achieved to new results in this regard by study on two groups of blind migraine-suffering. The eyes of first group of blinds were completely damaged and so could not understand the presence of light and changes day and the second group of blind, could understand the presence of light and distinguish day from night. The results showed that the first group had not Photo-phobia, while the second group suffered from this injury. So, the US scientists hypothesized that there are a group of photoreceptors and nerve in the retina that feel the light and differences between night and day, that has not work in complete blinds. These researchers to test of their hypothesis used of migraine mice, and injected a color detector to eyes of these mice. Then they controlled the natural course of retinal photoreceptors that reach to the brain. According to Nature Neuroscience, in this study it was observed that the path of light reaches to a family of neuron that is activated during a migraine attack. In fact, the connection between the light-sensitive cells in the eyes and this group of neurons' family plays a major role in migraine.


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